Eagle Student Ambassadors
The Eagle Leadership is a prestigious honor to be a part of. The club is offered to 20 students school wide for grades 3rd-5th grade. Students are invited into this club based on their exceptional academic standing and their exceptional SOAR behavior. Some of their duties include leading the Pledge and Moment of Silence during School-wide assemblies, helping with visitors during special events, and a daily, morning hall duty. Below is a list of standards and requirements that students must meet and maintain in order to be a part of this club.
1. Students must maintain exceptional academic standing (All As & Bs on midterm and 9 weeks report card).
2. Eagle Leadership Academy members are routinely pulled from classes to cover a variety of roles and responsibilities; therefore, students must be able to sustain their class work and make up any missed work on their own time.
3. Arrival time is 7:00 due to morning duties (Academy members monitor the hallway and have breakfast duty).
4. No office referrals. If an office referral does occur, your child will be removed from the Academy and will not be reconsidered for a position later on in the year.
5. To remain in the Academy, the students may not have an attendance issue. If your child has more than three absences in a nine weeks period, they will go on probation. If the issue is not resolved and there are three more absences, your child will be removed from the Academy and will not be reconsidered for a position.
6. Students will attend a field trip in January to the CNN Center and WSBTV.
7. If your child is removed from the Academy due to academics, once the issue is resolved, the child will then be reconsidered for the Leadership Academy at a later date. This does not guarantee that your child will be placed back in the Academy. They must go back through the nominating process again.
8. If your child is removed or goes on probation more than two times during the school year due to attendance or academics, they will be permanently removed and will not be reconsidered for a position later on in the year.
Meet MZE'S Eagle Student Ambassadors for 2022-23